So here I was thinking that I would like to use the MSN instant messenger picture of the rubber ducky as my profile picture in Facebook. Without spending hours going through all my computer files trying to find the stock photos that MSN pulls from I just googled "MSN rubber ducky picture".
The cute little guy popped right up along with a story on the origin of this rubber ducky picture. Curious as I was I went to the page and read the story. This little guy is actually a personal vibrator. Yes my friends, the people of the world do not have enough things to do with their lives that they have to make sex toys out of our childhood friends/toys. Billed (no pun intended) as the personal vibrator that you can proudly display in your bathtub for all to see and guests will just think that it is a regular rubber ducky toy. But if they touch him or squeeze him, he will spring into full vibrating action to double their pleasure, double their bathroom fun. If you don't want a boy ducky doing his thing for your private parts, you can order a pretty pink one - the Daisy model complete with a tantalizing feather boa. Yet they even take it to the next level by making a travel sized version that you can take to any hotel with pride.
What's next in the kids toys turned sex toys. Will Fisher Price come out with a "little people's" vibrator, or will Leap Frog go on to make a sex doll that teaches you the proper names for all the special places. I dare say that someone has surely thought of a Mr. Potato Head vibrator with a multitude of attachments to increase your person pleasure. How far can and will the sex toy industry go? And another question is, why is MSN a widely used instant messaging program downloading and displaying sex toy pictures for all ages to choose as their profile picture?
I am all for free sex and toys and such stuff for consenting adults but really, using vibrator pictures as your profile pic - especially for young children is crossing the line. So children and prudes beware when your in the bathroom. Think twice before you reach for the rubber ducky in the tub to play with in the bath, you never know where that little dude has been.